The Future of Surgery is coming

Redefine is revolutionizing surgical training with cutting-edge AI and Immersive 3D Technology

Our Belief

For centuries, surgeons have refined their craft by observing others in the operating room. Now, artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the pace of learning and innovation in surgery.

We can train both surgeons and
machines with unparalleled precision,
setting a new standard for surgical excellence.

white man in surgery with beard dressed in scrubs, scrub cap, goggles, and gloves

AI in Surgery

AI will transform surgery by accelerating surgeon training., enhancing precision, and improving outcomes

  • Multiple cameras capture the surgical field from numerous angles and positions, creating a detailed 3D model of the patient, the surgeon, the complete Operating Theater.

  • AI algorithms analyze the 3D model, tracking the movements of instruments, the surgeon's hands, and even the patient's motion on the table.

  • This data is then used to understand surgical decisions, help surgeons improve precision, and enhance the learning process.

white woman in surgery with hair pulled back dressed in scrubs, scrub cap, goggles, and gloves

Future Capabilities

Tracking patient movement in real-time to ensure safety and optimize surgical positioning.

Recording and analyzing surgical techniques, providing valuable insights for training and improving surgical outcomes.

Understanding the exact location and trajectory of surgical instruments, allowing for greater accuracy and control.

“Those who can imagine anything, can create the impossible.”

Alan Turing

Collaborating with Surgeons at every Step

We work closely with surgeons to understand their needs and develop solutions that address their specific challenges.

Shared Vision

Surgeons retain complete ownership of their data, allowing them to leverage it for research, education, and clinical improvement.

Retained Data Ownership

We actively engage with surgeons to gather feedback and refine our technologies, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of the surgical field.

Continuous Improvement

The Team

Redefine Surgery was founded by Peter, Ignacio and Steve in 2023 to tackle the challenges they experienced in the Medical Device and Technology Industry.

This team is deeply committed to elevating the skills of every surgeon, helping good surgeons become great and great surgeons become even better.

Peter Verrillo


Ignacio Tzoumas


Stephen Potter


Our Investors

  • Startup Accelerator

    We are proud to be backed by one of the most successful accelerators on the planet. Techstars has helped build thousands of companies and Boston is the epicenter of medical device and healthtech ecosystem.

  • Early Adopters and Believers

    Many of our earliest investors have been surgeons who believe in the team, the mission and the potential to redefine surgery at a higher level.

  • Industry Executives

    We are backed by some of the most forward thinking executives in the medical device industry and are grateful for their guidance and wisdom.